

Yes, Wacholder is following me where ever i am going... I have learned this word from the dictionary, so at the beginning it was something completely abstract to me. And i have learnt first the english word
"Juniper" from the "Juniper Tree" with the drawings of Maurice Sendak. This is unusual, normally it is the opposite case.
Since then I know the word "Wacholder" but i didn t see it life till recently... If you walk into a forest this plant really takes your attention, because it has some beautiful dark red fruits. I didn t know that this plant was so sacred for german tribes in the old times... I open a book for spices, then i see again Wacholder. I didn t consider it as a spice. But obviously one can use it as a spice. Never tried it.
I open a book about herbs, then i see it as a medicine... So i was really amazed about this plant. Now i like it.


Knödel goes orient!

For the first time in my life i am making "Knödel"s... I have read they means "dumplings" in english...
no time to write i must be quick...yes i have added some oriental ingredients into the recipe...for example i had sesam at home so i have given them into the butter with sesam... Annd then i had kokos at home, so i have added some kokos into the sauce. Actually i have given a lot of ginger into the sauce, so i couldn t understand why i couldn t taste it afterwards...
yesterday i have tried for the first time  "Topfenknödel" and today  "Germknödel". I must admit the first try yesterday was better than today...



From Wikipedia...The article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clash_of_civilisations
''It was, said Lang, ...
... a type of language which gives the illusion of science without any of its substance.
Yes, yes!!!! But this is not enough... His book was not a scientific book... Not even the language was scientific, in German Hegel would call it; 'journalistisch'... I mean flat, on purpose biased picture of everything, ambitious but without intelligence...  Annnd of course with the intention of  self fulfilling prophecy effect...
Full of hatred and lies... By that time I had my naive respect for American Universities but after this book, I have understood they have a very strong  'Money talks' lobby...And they don t respect science very much. They worship money and power like many in this world and this has nothing to do with religion or culture...
Well, it must be the year 93 or 94, i can t remember, i came upon the article of the famous book...
But the book I have read later,( i can t find it anymore) had a small explanation on the reverse side of the cover and there it was mentioned that the book was not written for scientific purpose and supported by a certain institute...
At least! I have thought...
But by that time i couldn t imagine that the book will have such an influence... Now after so many years I would say it was like Hitler s  'Mein Kampf'... For a certain time... I mean the era after the Cold War... U can call it
4th War, but i think this time is over...
I think soon the time of this book will be over...


Wassereinbruch am Taksimplatz

O.k. Ich werde selber schreiben müssen!
Finde nicht gescheites darüber.
Heute haben Fernsehkanäle schon wieder den Taksimplatz an erster Stelle bei den Nachrichten gehabt. Dieses Mal aber nicht wegen Protesten, sondern wegen der Ungeschicklichkeit eines Arbeiters, der dort einen Wassereinbruch geschafft hat. Plötzlich war ganzer Taksim und Metro unter Wasser.
Seit April bauen dort die Arbeiter der Regierung, damit man dort nicht protestieren kann. Das hat aber nicht verhindern können, dass es zu den größten Massendemonstrationen gekommen ist, seitdem die Farbe der Unschuld mit einer Glühbirne des Ideenreichtums hier regiert.

Standing Penguen!

There is an article 'The Turkish Uprising and the Penguen" with the address above


‘Paradigmalar’ın çöküşü - BirGün Köşeyazıları

‘Paradigmalar’ın çöküşü - BirGün Köşeyazıları

Well, she was writing good at the beginning and then she has got lost in my view and now180 degree turn, but it is welcome...

And i will also copy and paste:

Türkiye’de son bir ayda yaşananları, üç düzlemde, yani, bir  yandan Türkiye’de AKP dönemine ilişkin demokratikleşme paradigmasının, diğer yandan özellikle son on yılda öne çıkan ve Türkiye’yi model olarak sunan ‘Müslüman ülkelerde yeni demokrasi’ paradigmasının, daha genel çerçevede, ise Soğuk Savaş sonrası yükselen ekonomik kalkınmacı model ve ‘yeni demokrasi pratikleri’  paradigmasının çöküşü çerçevesinde değerlendirmeye çalışmakta fayda var. 

Daha önce, bir çok vesile ile, AKP dönemine ilişkin demokratikleşme paradigmasının zaaflarına işaret etmeye çalıştım. Özetle, eski statükonun çözülüşünün otomatik olarak demokratikleşmeye ön açacağı varsayımı, tam tersine yeni ve bu kez otoriter muhafazakar bir statükonun yerleşmesine ön açtı. Diğer yandan, bu varsayımın kalkış noktası demokratikleşmeyi muhafazakarların, ‘ekonomik liberalizmi ve siyasal pragmatizmi’ güvencesine dayandırmaktı. Bunun ne kadar çürük zemin olduğunu yeterince gördük sanırım.

İkinci planda, AKP eliyle demokratikleşme fikri ile, daha geniş ölçekli ‘müslüman ülkelerde, ılımlı İslamcı siyasetlerin demokratikleştirici potansiyeli’ paradigmasının örtüşme alanını hatırlamakta fayda var. Doksanlı yılların ortalarından bu yana, ‘medeniyetler çatışması’ tezine karşı, Müslüman ülkelerde demokrasi ile barışık ılımlı muhafazakar akımların Batı dünyasından farklı ancak, onlarla çatışmayan demokrasi pratiklerine öncü olacağı varsayımı yaygınlık kazandı. Bu çeçevede de, küresel pazar ekonomisine açıklık ve siyasal pragmatizm temel kriterlerdi. 11 Eylül sonrasında ise, ılımlı İslamcı/muhafazakar siyasetlere yüklenen anlam radikal İslamcılıkla savaşın temel aktörleri olabileceği fikri ile daha fazla vurgu kazandı. Türkiye’de eski statükoya karşı yükselen AKP, bu çerçevede model ülke olarak görüldü. Daha sonra, Ortadoğu’da bir çok ülkede eski statükoya baş kaldıran ve Arap Baharı adı verilen siyasi dönüşüm de, benzer bir anlayış ile değerlendirildi. Sonuçlardan yola çıkarak bir varsayımı mahkum etmek doğru olmaz, ayrıca Müslüman ülkelerde muhafazakar siyasetlerin demokratikleştirici potansiyelini tamamen göz ardı etmek haksızlık olur.

Ancak, bu potansiyelden söz edilirken, muhafazakar ve/veya ılımlı İslamcı siyasetler, kendi zihniyet dünyaları, yani toplum ve siyaset anlayışları ile değil, onlara atfedilen roller çerçevesinde değerlendirildi. Sonuçta, şimdilerde Arap Baharı’nın örnek ülkesi Mısır’da, Müslüman Kardeşler iktidarı müttefiki ordu ile uzlaşma içinde, Kahire gösterilerinin önünü kesiyor. Bu açıdan, Arap Baharı’nın geldiği nokta çok da şaşırtıcı olmayan biçimde bu paradigmanın çöküşüne işaret ediyor. Bu paradigmanın ‘model ülkesi’ Türkiye’nin sergilediği tablo da bu çöküşün bir diğer örneği oldu.

Gelelim, daha genel ölçekte Soğuk Savaş sonrası öne çıkan, kapitalizmin zaferinin, otomatik olarak ‘liberal demokrasi’nin de zaferi olacağı şeklinde özetlenebilecek küresel ölçekli paradigmaya. ‘Piyasa ekonomisine açılan toplumlar kaçınılmaz olarak demokratikleşir’ tezi başından beri zayıf bir iddiaydı. Nitekim, bu iddia ister istemez rötüşlenmek zorunda kaldı ve ‘demokrasi’nin yeniden tanımlanmasını gerekli kıldı. Bu kez, piyasacı ve ekonomik kalkınmacı modelin farklı toplumlarda, kendilerine özgü demokrasi pratikleri üreteceği tezi ortalığı sardı. Şimdilerde unutuldu ama, Müslüman ülkeler ve onların ‘kendi kültürleri’ne özgü siyaset pratikleri, ‘post-İslamist’ veya ‘İslami demokrasi’ kavramları öne çıkmadan, doksanlı yıllarda bir ‘Asya Yüzyılı’ furyası vardı. Güney Kore, Tayvan, Singapur, Çin, Viyetnam gibi Asya ülkelerinde yükselen kalkınmacı ekonomik modelin ‘başarısı’ gözleri o kadar kör etmişti ki, bu ülkelerdeki toplumsal sorunlar ve özellikle otoriter siyasetlerin yükselişine, ‘Asya değerleri’, ‘Asya demokrasisi’ gibi kılıflar bulunuyor hale geldi (x). Müslüman ülkelere reva görülen, ekonomik kalkınma ve ‘kültürlerine uygun demokrasi’ ikilisinin her derde deva olacağı fikri de, bu küresel ölçekli paradigmanın bir parçasıdır. Sonra, öne çıkan, Brezilya ve Hindistan gibi dünyanın yeni büyüyen ekonomilerine dair iddialı tezler de, aynı paradigmanın açlımlarıdır. Şimdilerde, büyüyen ekonomilerin en önde gelenlerinden Brezilya’nın, bir diğer namzet Türkiye’nin ardından patlamasını, bir de bu gözle, bu paradigmanın çöküşü açısından değerlendirmekte fayda var. İnsanı merkezine almayan, toplumsal sorunları, siyasal sonuçları görmezden gelen ekonomizm ve ekonomik kalkınmacılığın  maliyeti sadece yoksulluk, adaletsizlik, küresel çevre ve kaynak yağması, baskıcı rejimler, insanlık kültürünün reddi ve bayağılaşma değil, bu anlayış aynı zamanda siyasi, toplumsal, ekonomik istikrarsızlık üreterek kendi bindiği dalı dalını kesiyor. Son olaylar bu gerçeğin dışavurumdan başka bir şey değil.

(x) Singapur’da yükselen siyasi otoriterliğe karşı eleştirel tutumu dolayısı ile, Üniversitedeki görevinden ve Singapur’dan ayrılmak zorunda kalan Christopher Linge’nin, 90’lı yılların sonunda Asya Yüzyılına dair eleştirel çalışmasına mümkünse göz atın. Linge’ın eleştirisi liberal/pazar ekonomisi ve sürdürülebilirlik çerçevesi ile sınırlı ancak, küresel ölçekte demokrasilerin geleceği açısından dikkate değer;  ‘The Rise and Decline of the Asian Century-False Starts on the Path to the Global Millenium’, (Asia 2000 Limited, Hong Kong, 2000)



Yes, this is another case. According to a columnist of Hürriyet a 73 years old woman has got one of the capsules into her room. She was already sick. She had an operation because of lung cancer.
But she had lived in Ergenekon Street, in
Sisli. We have heard a lot about this street. There is also a brutal video of a journalist beaten by 4 police on this street.


Turkish journalism doesn't show scrutiny about the names and cases. I try to store here the terrible cases I came across every day. I want to say: it is not normal the way you live. Human life is precious.
The boy here is from Antalya and his name is Vedat Oguz and he is 18 years old. He has lost his eye, like many other, by the brutal police violence.

POLITICS - Army will step in to stop protests if need be: Deputy PM Arınç

POLITICS - Army will step in to stop protests if need be: Deputy PM Arınç

No need for this, the police was just like an army, anyway... The vehicles, they have been using are not normal police devices...
The police has already used military power to the civil people.
In a normal european country the police would never get such devices... It would impossible to make a constant show everywhere with brutal force. (Also before the protests) This is typical oriental mentality...
'I am the stronger one, just be careful!'
Ethem Sarısülük in Ankara has been killed by the police.
Probably also the other 2 people: Abdullah Cömert and Elvan ?
Thousands of wounded people...

Why they need army after using the police just like an army? This shows already the dimension of the protests...

LOCAL - Six Turkish policemen commit suicide during Gezi protests, union head says

LOCAL - Six Turkish policemen commit suicide during Gezi protests, union head says

This is also interesting. They have been forced to work more than they can...

POLITICS - Turkish President Gül approves controversial bill restricting alcohol

POLITICS - Turkish President Gül approves controversial bill restricting alcohol

This was also important. To me it is unbeliavable... It was certainly not the most important problem of Turkey, but when everything goes wrong, you need some psychological war... They could do it, because of  the anti-urban feelings of their basis... The whole country should be a province...

FORK & CORK - Pots and pans: The sound of music

FORK & CORK - Pots and pans: The sound of music

I was shocked when I hear the people the first evening when we came back from Vienna. I didn t know that protests have already reached every person in our neighbourhood. Families are protesting, not only mothers, also fathers are protesting...It is insane...I have thought to be here is insane...And if you read the nonsense of neoliberal media in the West about the Turkey... It is simply a lie!!!!! Turkey was not democratic also before the protests...

Police is “Working on” Twitter, Interior Minister Says - Bianet / English - Bianet

Police is “Working on” Twitter, Interior Minister Says - Bianet / English - Bianet


I am just like the standing man of the protests of  Turkey against government. I am happy that I didn t break my word. I must say I was tempted to write in turkish but I know there is no public society here.
I mean I have realized years before that there is not a public society in Turkey like we know from Europe. And then I have promised myself not to write anymore in turkish.
And even the public society in Europe is now endangered through the mass surveillance of some psychopath petite bourgeoisie of the states...
The big capital uses a part of pb against urban, educated middle class...
But anyway today I am writing because that  i am poisoned again. The places that some illegal party has occupied in Istanbul are getting dangerous. Every time when i visit an occupied place in Istanbul i get poisoned. In addition to this there are strange things like people disguised as protesters but not protesters...
So it is really a progressive democracy...

I also want to add a notice one of the heavy wounded people from FAZ. (I must say i look from time to time to FAZ, but i don t like this newspaper in general.)

Die gute Nachricht des Wochenendes war: Lobna Al Lamii ist aus dem Koma aufgewacht. Die in Berlin lebende, 34 Jahre alte Türkin arabischer Abstammung war am 31. Mai auf dem Taksim-Platz von einer Tränengaspatrone am Kopf getroffen worden. Mehrnals wurde sie seitdem operiert, und auch jetzt noch soll ihr Zustand kritisch sein. Als das Foto von der am Boden liegenden, blutenden Frau in den sozialen Medien verbreitet worden war, hatte es zunächst geheißen, sie sei eine ägyptische Touristin. Dann stellte sich heraus, dass Lobna Al Lamii Türkin ist, als Eventmanagerin in Berlin arbeitet und nur nach Istanbul gekommen war, um Visa-Angelegenheiten für Deutschland zu regeln. Offenbar war sie am Taksim-Platz, um den Demonstranten ihre Solidarität zu zeigen. Der letzte Eintrag  auf ihrer Facebook-Seite stammt vom 30. Mai. Eine tiefe Enttäuschung über die Verhältnisse in der Türkei ist darin zu spüren. Lobna Al Lamii schreibt: „Ich habe kein Vertrauen mehr in dieses Land… ihr alle schlaft noch. Gute Besserung, Taksim-Gezi-Park. Alles Gute für euer neues Einkaufszentrum und auch alles Gute für eure neue Brücke.“
Es existiert eine Vorschrift, dass man Tränengaspatronen nur in einem Winkel von 45 Grad abfeuern darf. Welcher der Polizisten seine so abfeuerte, dass Lobna Al Lamii am Kopf getroffen werden konnte, ist noch immer nicht geklärt. Und bisher sieht es auch nicht so aus, als bemühten sich die türkische Regierung oder die Polizei um Aufklärung. Sie hält ihre Hand nur schützend über ihre eigenen Leute.


Hermes, Mars and the Spring

How to protest in an age of world publicity (21.st Century), has been made easy by technical devices without even the freedom of a 18th Century citizen? I mean the idealistic versions of both terms...
I am an idealist (in the sense of every day language, not in the sense of acedemical philosophy, though they might have some overlapping contexts, but they are not the same...)

Is there a world publicity? How would Kant define this term? And what it is the miserable situation we have at the moment?

It is like Hermes fighting with Mars... I don t like Mars...I believe in the joy of communication! I believe in the idle and free speech... It s Spring! The most beautiful time of the year! I want to speak without the black birds of Mars...
The police birds of Mars are everywhere... They are not intelligent enough for talking, they only know the rules of power...They are happy to show who is more powerful... And they feel, as they can t think, the brutal force is the best power... But history shows the opposite..
One of the problems is, they don t understand that brutal force is nothing in comparison to the force of heavens...There is maybe a war between the heaven and the hell... The hell wants to have the brutal force for the sake of a self loving ego and the heaven wants to have the joy of communication as you will need the communication for being capable of loving the other...

But back to the earth we are really about to loose the freedoms of the French Revolution! This is terrible! I like Edward Snowden, when he said: 'I am not a traitor, I am not an agent, I am just an American.' I hope U.S.A. will reach French Revolution again...
Actually I wanted to write completely other things, but now I am hungry...A problem I have never been able to solve:-)) But I like Spring!


Bacon and Machiavelli

as I was reading Shiva Vandana, I was
surprised that she also mentions Francis Bacon with a not very well known work of him;"The masculin birth of time". I couldn t read this article but
it is obvious that with him there was a shift in social dimensions. He didn t contribute to the development of natural sciences maybe but he has managed to instrumentalize science for politics.
In the sense of Plato he was a new kind and a more dangerous kind of Sophist.
Galilei was not lesser philosoph than Francis Bacon. On the contrary Bacon was like Machiavelli a broken politician.
They both were not scientists...

LVC opens its 6th Global Conference and 20 year anniversary with the Womens' Assembly

LVC opens its 6th Global Conference and 20 year anniversary with the Womens' Assembly

From the website of La Via Campesina

LVC opens its 6th Global Conference and 20 year anniversary with the Womens' Assembly

LVC opens its 6th Global Conference and 20 year anniversary with the Womens' Assembly

From the website of La Via Campesina


Langsam aber doch...

Wie immer wollte ich ganz etwas anderes schreiben, als das was ich jetzt schreibe.
Wollte eine kleine Notiz machen über Vandana Shiva. Sie ist sehr bekannt, aber ich habe sie nicht
gekannt. Meine eigene körperliche Schmerzen haben mich mit dem unangenehmen Problem des Lebens naemlich mit der Materie wieder mal in eine Konfrontation gebracht.
Ich weiss, so wie oben zu denken, ist eine falsche Schulung wahrscheinlich aber manche fühlen auch so... Gelerntes und Gefühltes gehen ineinander über...
Ja wir dürfen uns nicht trennen in Materie und in Nicht-Materie, das war so erlernt. Dieser Ort im Netz war für mich weniger materiell als ein Blatt Papier...Aber der freie Geist wird immer mehr als eine Gefahr gesehen... Deswegen will man nun auch Web staerker kontrollieren...
Aber wir müssen die Materie auch manchmal lieben...
bin müde und zersteut wie fast immer, aber ich  lasse mich Materie werden... Vielleicht sinnlos, unnötig...?:-)

kann leider manchmal den Medien nicht entkommen, Monsanto tut alles um die Biodiversitaet in Mexico zu zerstören. Die machen alles um die Biodiversitaet von Mais in Mexico zu zerstören.
In den letzten 50 Jahren ist eine millionenalte Evolution in einem unglaublichen Maße zerstört worden von einer Gruppe von aggressiven, arroganten, gierigen Unternehmern...
Aus der Seite: www.vedamagazin.de, das ist ein alter Artikel, nicht aktuell, aber trotzdem interessant.

'Landwirtschaftsminister Agit Singh noch im Frühjahr 2002 die erstmalige Zulassung genmanipulierter Baumwolle in Indien euphorisch. Die Realität hingegen sei erschreckend anders, schildert die Physikerin, Menschenrechtsaktivistin und Trägerin des Alternativ-Nobelpreises, Vandana Shiva, im Rahmen des Kongresses „Planety-Diversity“ in Bonn.'