
The Little Prince

Everybody knows  'The Little Prince', but I didn t read it! Even a very lovely young woman in one of my german courses had insisted that I should read this book and she was shocked that I have not read it... I have understood that I must be ashamed of this reality but I was not. O.k. i don t have time to write about everything, I am reading this book for Selena now, for my daughter...
But I was again shocked when I have seen the birth and death dates of Saint Exupery now... He has a sad story, I don t like sad stories... Anyway the point is he has born on the 29th of June and died in July.
We have now July the 25th, but soon it will be the 26th...
This year the day of 29th June was a special day, don t ask me why as I don t know by myself...
The book is published first in 1943...
Terrible years! And he has died 1944.

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