
Turkish PM accuses CHP of abusing student protests

Turkish PM accuses CHP of abusing student protests

I mean the title is ridiculous, but we can t forget the student protests, that s why I want to make a notice there. The only reason I quote this newspaper here is, that it is in english. I don t think like this newspaper.
You ask yourself, what kind of logic is behind such a nonsense title? I mean student protests are showing that the dictatorship in the country tries to kill every opposition. CHP is not a strong opposition to AKP.
What does the word 'abusing'  mean in this context?
In a normal setting everything would be different... Maybe the students of  ODTÜ, which is an  abbreviation of  Middle East Technical University understand more than imams and police what is going on in the Middle East. The new Colonialism. Or we can close all the universities, which don t approve the policy of the government and make out of them  'Helal Sucuk' Companies and everything will be allright...
Petite bourgeoisie tries only to come to money and power by suppressing the wisdom, the academics and the journalists etc. All these power games have nothing to do with the core of the religion. Religion needs a free soul and a free mind...

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